Construction and Real Estate

Construction and Real Estate:
The Need to Build the Future Will Remain
Today’s economy calls into action the need for improved infrastructure that restores and creates foundations that make transcending obstacles possible. Investing in entities that keep this notion at the forefront elevate the likelihood of success.
Burgeonstar*’s beliefs and decisive actions toward the building of futures are supported by research and market projections as follows:
Continued momentum in construction industry output in the U.S. is expected to reach $1,819,106.1 million by 2025.(1)
The global construction market will grow to $8 trillion by 2030. (2) Advances in technology, and an expanding emphasis on green construction are driving growth.
US construction market is set to grow faster than China’s over the next fifteen years. (2)
There will always be a consistent need for repairs, improvements, and funding for infrastructure to support development, services, social activities and economies. (3)
Hospital construction is expected to accelerate from 2021-2026 driven by the aging US population, with a larger portion of this growth going toward outpatient clinics. Industry revenue is anticipated to surge due to nonresidential construction activity. (4)
A Covid-driven upswing in sales of previously owned homes of 24.7% is the highest on record. The remodeling and rehabilitating of homes is thriving. (5)
The market is poised for growth as Millennials become first-time real estate buyers and business owners, which will depend on technology that meets their demands. 58% of Millennials found their homes via mobile devices. (National Association of Realtors, 2019) (5)